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Selly Oak, Birmingham, West Midlands, United Kingdom
Just an ordinary woman who is struggling with life and study. Nothing much interesting. zufiaz87@gmail.com

Monday, 10 March 2014

My dreams came true

As I laid down my bed, I started to think…

About all single little things that I've been through for this while...

And when I started to count the percentage of my achievement, I always ended up shockingly!!

Allah did answered all my prayers.. not only the big one, also the small little one..

yes, not all been answered directly, but as I started to think wisely, I can related and connected all my prayers with my achievements!!


I want to study abroad, He didn't answer me directly, but He gave it to me after several years of hard works..

I want to be an archeologist, instead He make me a geologist..

And there are other things that I can't really revealed it here, but I knew He always gave the best for me…

Now I realised that all my dreams came true, yes all!! even not directly, but I knew it was related to each other!!!

"Then which of your God's blessings would you deny??"

Its time to thankful and grateful for all the blessing He gave to me…

Alhamdulillah *sujud syukur*

From Birm, with Love,

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