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Selly Oak, Birmingham, West Midlands, United Kingdom
Just an ordinary woman who is struggling with life and study. Nothing much interesting. zufiaz87@gmail.com

Saturday, 28 December 2013

Forgive me, love

Now, I can admit that I seriously didn't love you for the sake of Allah!!

“Cinta memang dari Allah, tetapi jika cinta itu tidak dijaga dan dipelihara demi Allah yang Maha Suci dan Maha Kasih, akan hilang manisnya. Cinta kerana Allah akan meletakkan Allah di tempat pertama. Akan meletakkan Allah sebagai pembimbing, sebagai jalan. Di mana cinta Allah ketika kita sasaukan kekasih kita? Di mana cinta Allah ketika kita mabukkan dia?”

Forgive me love, I desperately want to run after the Paradise, and now you are nothing for me. Unless you can be here and guiding me to enter the Paradise together..

I seriously love you, but my love to the Owner of my love is really true! Rather than convincing you, its better for me to convey my love to The One who will never let me down!

He always answer my prayers, no matter how often I forget Him  in all my  daily routine..

Please forgive me, love.. You are no longer my muse!!

From Birm with Love, 

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