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Selly Oak, Birmingham, West Midlands, United Kingdom
Just an ordinary woman who is struggling with life and study. Nothing much interesting. zufiaz87@gmail.com

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Don’t lose hope, keep dreaming

Until now, from the first day I was arrived in Birmingham, I gained a lot of weigh!! Oh, my goshhh!!

From 60++kg to 70++kg!! Almost 10kgs okay!!! Ya AMPUNNNN!!!!
I should do something, need to get rid of all these ‘lemaks-lemaks’ tepu, if not, I will be the “Fatty Op” back!!! OMG!! OMG!! OMG!!!

Now, will start the diet back, or should I call it as ‘crush diet??’ Whatever it sound, as long as I achieve back my weight before fly here, it would be better.

So, the new aim, get back my weight 60+kg before the end of April.. Possible kan??hihiihi…

Okay, jom kita motivate diri sendiri, sambil merenung gambar-gambar tahun lepas, yang agak 'selim' tu...kehkeh...(ye la, nak tunggu orang bagi peransang, sampai kesudahlah tunggunya...)

 2 pictures ni, masa berat 60++kg..time raya...ok, ni gambar ngn budak, x clear ye?? Okay, tgk gambar next pulak...

Ni pun time berat 60++kg..hehe..opss, jauh pulak ye??xpe2, kita tengok dekat sikit ye...

ni dekat sikit la kot...tp ni rasanya masa 70lbh lagi...oh, lupa, bila berat 60++ jarang nak tangkap gambar sorang (sebenarnya, xpegi mana2, tu yg kurang nak bergambo tu.. @.@)

Okay, jom tengok gambar time baru-baru sampai!!

Now, gambar setelah beberapa bulan menternak lemak disini ye.. 

Bulat sungguh diri ini..ye, orang lain tak nampak perbezaan sebenarnya kan??tp still, diri n weighting scale nampak!!!!huh!!!

Jadinya, ayuh diri!!Jangan malas2!!!

Kata-kata semangat buat diri sendiri, (KOPI dan PASTA dari FB sendiri sajekk!!),

~It's true that OBSESSIONS make me STRESS, but somehow it's acting like my ENERGY BOOSTERS!! So, dear me, please keep obsessed with my own self... I really need to achieve 3 GOALS by the end of this month!! Chaiyok2!!~ (Sulaiman. N, 2013)

and another status update,

~Somehow, bila baca blog sendiri (opsss, OP ada blog ke??hahaha), post yg lama-lama tu, boleh MENAIKKAN SEMANGAT!!! "berAZAM dan perlu ISTIQAMAH"~

Lepas ni, kalau patah semangat, bukak blog sendiri dan kena selalulah baca my older posts dulu.. (kata obsess ngan diri sendiri kan??tralalalala~~)

From Birm, with Love,

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